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Training for Learners

Swick Learning can deliver, create or broker a range of training experiences that help people become more self-directed and resilient learners.

Our Style

At Swick Learning, we believe the learners are fully capable of owning their education and driving the support they want to receive from their institution – they only need experiences that help them start.


Our delivery style is unapologetically different. As an external provider, we can efficiently set a tone anchored in high expectations and high levels of learner agency that regular presenters struggle to create.

Time and stress management

By Cam Bestwick

There are two main aspects to time management, and one of them is chronically neglected in time management training.  


The first and over-represented aspect is about forward planning the best uses for your time. The second, under-represented aspect is about training oneself to actually make best use of time from moment-to-moment, in the face of constantly changing information, priorities and motivation and energy levels. Inattention to this second aspect is why most people who are exposed to training first type of tools can’t sustain the benefits of those forward planning techniques. The short course offers balanced training in both domains.

Portable Professionalism

By Cam Bestwick

The gap between the students’ tendencies and the expectations of the modern workplace is growing, which has been frustrating for educators, employers and the young people alike. Most learning experiences on professionalism is merely etiquette-training — teaching young people how to write emails or commit to pre-scripted reactions to different situations.  


However, this ‘if-then’ logic of memorising scripts for various scenarios doesn’t give students the deeper understanding of what makes behaviours professional (or not). Without a mental framework to take into in new situations, this kind of training quickly loses value. Instead, students need a foundational model that helps them make rapid, educated guesses about the most professional behaviours in any new situation, which frees their mind to focus on the feedback the situation provides. This course provides such a framework and applies it to very diverse scenarios.

Note-making for knowledge management

By Cam Bestwick

Formal education privileges the need to prepare students for assessments. To be fair, that's not the exclusive focus, but it’s a high enough priority that it engenders most people with ‘bad’ habits around capturing, organising and using knowledge assets (like notes) that mirrors cycles of assessment.  


This training teaches the learner to reconceptualise notes simply as knowledge assets whose value can be maximised by managing them better. It introduces them to a powerful but lightweight framework for personal knowledge management and, depending on time and learner progress, imparts up to ten interlocking note-making techniques that serve learners better in the long-run.  This short course is an outstanding introduction to good lifelong note-making habits.

Simulations & Challenges

The more that instructional learning experiences can be combined with other, lower-structure transition experiences, the more the students tend to retain, value and apply what they’ve learned.  We can tailor our workshops to fuse with your other programs. We also have a range of challenging exercises we can facilitate as stretch experiences to give students more ways to build their capacity as self-managed learners and integrate what they’ve learned from our other sessions.

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